martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

A Spanish Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day, I missed not being home! But I did get to have two very unique Thanksgivings, so for that I'm very thankful. My first was with all the kids in my program and our director, who hosted us at her beautiful apartment right on the beach. She and her husband made all traditional Thanksgiving food, and our professors, TAs, and friends were all invited. The food was amazing, but it was very surreal to be eating Thanksgiving dinner outside overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. We followed our meal with a big game of American football on the beach--pretty incredible!
View from our director's balcony

Part of the crew with our director, Elise
My next big feast was scheduled for Sunday, when my host mom's family was planning on coming over for lunch. A former Dickinson student who used to live with my host mom, and who now lives and works in Málaga, came over on Saturday and we spent the day cooking MORE Thanksgiving food. Then on Sunday María Carmen's family came over, and we shared our American food with them. 
Spanish family

Un abrazo, 

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